Temperatures are cooling down a bit after our heatwave here in Northeast Ohio, but summer is far from over. It’s important to make sure your air conditioning system is running at its peak efficiency. Call Verne & Ellsworth Hann to schedule an air conditioning tune-up/safety inspection. Our expert technicians will do the following to make sure your cooling system is happy!
- Clean the condenser
- Clean the condensate line
- Check the pressures and the temperatures
- Check the refrigeration levels
- Check the thermostat
Verne & Ellsworth Hann, along with manufacturers, recommend having your heating and cooling system inspected annually. Most homeowners will have their furnace or boiler inspected in the Fall and their air conditioning tune-up in the Spring. Verne & Ellsworth Hann’s technicians can do a safety inspection on your heating equipment any time of the year, but the air conditioning inspection requires the weather to be warmer. As long as the temperatures are warm, we are willing and able to make sure your cooling system is operating properly.
Visit our website at VEHbrothers.com for special offers on your HVAC inspections and call our office at (216) 932-9755 to schedule your tune-up/safety inspection today!