UV Light For A Cleaner Air System | Verne & Ellsworth Hann

Uv Light For A Cleaner Air System

APCO air purifier and text reading detox the air

Pollutants such as mold, bacteria, allergens, VOCs and more travel easily through a home’s central air system creating unhealthy environments. Installation of a germicidal UV light inside the air system inhibits the growth of mold which saves energy by allowing the system to operate more efficiently. A cleaner system also requires less maintenance.

APCO is the whole-house air purifier that eliminates odors, toxic VOCs and microbial contaminants from the air and air system. It is installed in the duct just above the furnace or air handler so it can purify the air as it circulates. The cool, moist interior of the air system is an ideal breeding-ground for mold. Fresh-Aire UV light inhibits the growth of mold on the coil and drain pan, which saves energy by allowing the system to operate more efficiently.

Dirty sock syndrome is the foul, mold smelling odor that comes from your air conditioner and is caused by the build up of mold and bacteria on your evaporator coil during winter months when you transition from heating mode at night to cooling mode during the day. Fresh-Aire UV light sterilizes biological contaminants such as mold and bacteria helping to prevent this moldy smelling odor from occurring.

Give our office a call to inquire about an APCO UV Light. (216) 932-9755

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